
Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

Rethink Breast Cancer's Give-A-Care line includes a cashmere toque, lube, headache balm and a dose of real talk.
Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

Rethink Breast Cancer has launched a fundraising drive that also aims to spark conversations about living with the disease. It partnered with the creative agency Lg2 to market a line of products that breast cancer sufferers will actually find useful under the banner Give-A-Care. These products aren't medical necessities, but the hope is that, through the insights they provide and conversations they ignite, they can help the healing process. Bonus: They have delightfully cheeky names.

Here are seven that were tested by breast cancer sufferers and survivors:

Rethink Give-a-care breast cancer products

I-don’t-want-to-have-this-conversation-either-but-it’s-too-late-I-already-made-the TEA

This lemon-ginger custom blend from Pluck was designed to ease upset stomachs. Tea, $8.

“I always drink black teas, like orange pekoe and English breakfast, and they just tasted horrible during chemo so I started drinking more herbals teas. Something like this lemon ginger would have been perfect. Your tastebuds just change, things just change. Tea was one of my comfort things. The fact that I couldn’t have my big mug of tea in the morning kind of bothered me, so this would have been a nice option.” – Ainslie, 37

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

Don't-ask-if-I'm-having-a-bad-hair-day-that's-not-why-I'm-wearing-this TOQUE

Hair loss is one of the first things that happens as a result of treatment for many women. This 100% cashmere toque from The Cashmere Shop feels gentle on the skin and is available in grey, black and red. Toque, $100.

“The toques are really soft. Your scalp gets quite sensitive when you’re losing your hair, so something as soft as this would have been perfect.” – Ainslie, 37

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

All-the-slow-jams-and-silk-sheets-in-the-world-couldn’t-do-it-for-me-right-now-I-need LUBE

While getting down to business may not be a priority, when a frisky moment presents itself, vaginal dryness — a result of drug-induced menopause — can be an instant mood-killer. Rethink tried a few options before settling on a silicone-based lube that can be used with condoms. Lube, $20.

“Lube is necessary if you want any intimacy with your partner. I felt very androgynous during treatment because I had a mastectomy, I was bald and I broke out in acne, so if my husband had introduced lube I would have thought — oh, you still find me attractive, you want to have sex.” – Sarah, 42 

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

If-I-barely-understand-what-my-doctor’s-saying-what-do-I tell-my CHILDREN’S BOOK

This guide, developed by Rethink, helps women with breast cancer navigate difficult conversations with kids, from toddlers to teens. Children's book, $12.

“My daughter was one year old when I got breast cancer and two when I went through treatment. It was hard to explain to her why I couldn’t play any more. After a mastectomy you can’t pick up anything over five pounds, you can’t pick up your own child. It’s sad. So it’s good to have books and things you can refer to on how to talk to your children. It’s really kind of scary — mommy’s going bald, she’s tired all the time, she’s doesn’t want to play, she’s in a bad mood, because the hormone treatments make you crazy.” – Sarah, 42

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

If-one-more-person-tells-me-that-at-least-I-don't-look-sick-I-may-never-get-rid-of-this HEADACHE BALM

Chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and targeted therapy can all cause headaches in breast cancer patients. Peppermint, lavender and eucalyptus combine in this all-natural Leaves of Trees balm to help manage a throbbing head without taking more drugs. Headache balm, $10.

“I’ve been through cancer three times and I had no idea it existed or would be beneficial. I love the smell of it.” – Silvana, 40 

“I get a lot of headaches and that was especially true during chemo. There’s something about the smell of [the] that clears the sinuses. I didn’t even know a product like this existed.” Sarah, 42

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

My-emotions-are-so-out-of-whack-that-even-my-skin-is-being-too SENSITIVE HAND CREAM

The combination of chemotherapy, radiation and constantly washing your hands in treatment is hard on the skin. Rethink partnered with Toronto-based Leaves of Trees to offer this all-natural lotion. Hand cream, $12.

“It had a very mild scent with the cocoa, it wasn’t strong. When you’re feeling sick you don’t really want strong-scented stuff and for me, not so much before, but during cancer, I became very wary of parabens and chemicals. It would have been nice to get something like this.” – Stephanie, 31

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

You-can-take-away-my-hair-but-you-can-never-take-away-my LIPSTICK

This Aveda lipstick, available in three shades, soothes lips with peppermint, vanilla and ginger. Lipstick, $24.

“Your skin just gets really pale, you lose eyebrows, you lose eyelashes, you lose the hair. I often wore a bright red lipstick, because it immediately makes your face pop a bit and makes you feel less like a sick person.” – Stephanie, 31

“This is lipstick I would actually use. It’s very sheer so it’s not overbearing. You need a pick-me-up when you’re going through this stuff.” – Silvana, 40

Frank, funny and totally useful gifts for a friend with breast cancer

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