Good news for lovers of grains, low-carb diets are a “fraud” that only perpetuate health problems rather than solve them. That’s the overall message of a new diet book called The Low-Carb Fraud by T. Colin Campbell.
In the new diet book, Campbell tackles misinformation and myths related to carbohydrates. The popularity of low-carb diets such as The South Beach Diet, Atkins and the Paleo diet have all contributed to carbs’ unfortunate reputation as being “bad”.
Campbell’s argument is simple: not all carbs are the same and understanding the distinction between good and bad carbs can only improve our overall health and wellbeing. Bad carbs are refined (cookies, cakes, pop), while good carbs are complex (fruits, vegetables, grains).
Touted as the way to lose weight, low-carb diets which push eating a great deal of animal protein and fats come with a host of detrimental effects, says Campbell.
“Population studies consistently show that low-carb diets lead to higher rates of heart disease, cancers, and other degenerative diseases. They also produce more halitosis (bad breath), headaches, rash, constipation, and muscle cramps,” Campbell told recently.
Citing research that indicates that low-carb, high-protein, high-fat diets cause high cholesterol, Campbell also makes the point that “this way of eating minimizes the amount of plant-based, antioxidant- and complex carbohydrate-rich foods we eat. That’s what prevents serious diseases and promotes health.”
According to Campbell, the healthiest diet plan is one that privileges whole foods and variety. That means eating a diet high in “vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes with little or no added oil, fats, refined carbs, and salt.”
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