The holidays are a time to eat, drink and be merry—and if you’re the host, you shoulder the responsibility for much of that. But it doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds, especially with these tips that cover all three. This year, consider elevating the experience by incorporating cannabis. A holiday host-favourite? TeaPot cannabis-infused iced tea; their familiar format and manageable dosage offer a unique (and simple) twist to the festivities, taking care of the “drink” and the “merry." As a Canadian-made cannabis-infused beverage with three delicious flavours to choose from, TeaPot is the perfect co-host for all your holiday season festivities—from friendly, low-key get-togethers to big family meals. Below is your hosting guide to keep it safe and responsible, complete with dosage guidelines, food pairings and the best practices when it comes to cannabis consumption. As for the “eat” part of the saying, we’ve picked some festive-friendly recipes that pair nicely with the great-tasting flavours found in TeaPot’s beverages, meaning your menu is practically planned already! Here’s how to take your holiday gatherings to new heights.
Providing a diverse drink selection, including both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options, ensures there's something for all your guests. Going a step further and offering cannabis-based beverages truly makes you the host(ess) with the most(ess). No matter the size of your festive hangout, offering flavour-forward TeaPot is a great way to consume cannabis and is best enjoyed with friends and family. As a low-dosage option (each drink has 5 mg of THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis), you and your guests can enjoy cannabis in a controlled way—contributing to that holly, jolly vibe. And here's a little tip to elevate your holiday gathering even further: pair the Good Day and Good Evening tea strains with a thoughtfully curated playlist to perfectly match the mood of your soirée. Whether you're hosting a lively shindig or a more relaxed night in around the fire, the exact beverage and playlist combination will set the stage for a memorable and festive celebration.
Whether you’re worried about food allergies or cannabis dosage, it’s always good to be transparent about any ingredients that are in the food and drinks you’re offering. Letting your guests know that TeaPot is a cannabis-based beverage is key to ensuring that only those who want to imbibe, will. It’s also worthwhile to remind any guests that cannabis has different effects than alcohol. Everyone responds differently, and the effects of the cannabis-infused beverage can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to kick in. To help, TeaPot has developed glassware that indicates dosage, so your guests know exactly how much they’re consuming and can keep track over the course of the festivities. And if you plan on serving TeaPot in their new swanky glassware at big gatherings, don't forget to keep it out of reach of children. Starting low and going slow is the cardinal rule for beginner cannabis use, and making your guests aware of that will go a long way to ensuring everyone’s enjoyment. For the more seasoned cannabis users, TeaPot allows them to dose to their preferred level of enjoyment precisely—so serving the drinks in this chic (and educational) glassware makes you the most thoughtful host of the season.
TeaPot is a flavour-first drink, which makes it a great accompaniment to food—whether you’re passing apps or sitting down for a full Christmas dinner. Consider TeaPot the same way you think about wine and food pairings—the notes of each drink will complement different ingredients, and picking the right combos ensures a fulsome and delicious experience for all your guests. Here are a few of our favourite TeaPot and food pairing recommendations for the holidays.
TeaPot’s Lemon Black Tea & Pedro’s Sweet Sativa features a Canadian strain of cannabis blended with real black tea and lemon, crafted to minimize the taste of cannabis. The non-carbonated tea’s tangy lemon flavour contrasts nicely with the classic fresh taste of a caprese salad. Our Caprese Salad Bites offer up an easily passed appetizer option or a perfect pre-dinner snack.
Yes, the holidays are still a great time to barbecue—this dish proves it. Pair our Zesty Shrimp Skewers with TeaPot’s Mango Green Tea & Pedro’s Sweet Sativa, a sweet and tropical drink that works with the simple marinade and BBQ char of the shrimp. While this can be another small-dish, passed-app option, it’s also a great fish main for any pescatarians. The Mango Green Tea is non-carbonated and is made with real green tea and natural mango flavour.
For the end of the evening, consider pairing a classic blueberry cheesecake with TeaPot’s Blueberry Chamomile & Black Sugar Rose. This Good Evening iced tea blends indica cannabis with calming chamomile tea and natural blueberry flavour. This subtly herbaceous drink complements the floral and woody blueberry notes perfectly. It's a great way to end your evening filled with food, fun and relaxation.
For more information about TeaPot, visit Plus, use code CHATELAINE2023 to receive 50 per cent off your purchase of the TeaPot glassware.
Must be 19+ to purchase and consume.