50 Shades of Grey: Should make for a memorable evening, but pick your date carefully. Love, Rosie: This is the movie you bring your platonic male friend to, when you want to take it to the next level. The Last Five Years: From the filmmakers behind P.S. I Love You, but this one’s a musical — with swearing.
Casablanca: The obvious choice but for good reason. Play it again, Sam. When Harry Met Sally: At this point you probably only remember the diner scene. But the rest of it is pretty good, too. Date Night: Tina Fey and Steve Carell's marriage is so strong even Mark Wahlberg can't break them up.
An Officer and a Gentleman: The ultimate man-in-uniform flick — with a wickedly romantic ending. The Notebook: This one's a real tearjerker, partly because you're never going to share a ferris wheel ride with Ryan Gosling. The Fault in our Stars: They're young, they're sick and they're heading to Amsterdam. What could possibly go wrong?
Breakfast at Tiffany's: Shake up some martinis, put on a string of pearls and plan your next girls' trip to New York City. Bridget Jones' Diary: Break yourselves into two groups: Team Daniel Cleaver and Team Mark Darcy. Discuss. The Other Woman: If your group of gals happens to be single, bitter or recently burned, this is your pick.
Lady and the Tramp: Be warned, you’re exposing the kids to some bad table manners. Shrek: What better Valentine’s Day lesson than that good guys finish first — even green ones. The Princess Bride: Come for the love story, stay for the sword fighting. (Not to mention the note-perfect writing.)
Lost in Translation: Dreamy, romantic and funny. But in no way sappy. Annie Hall: Watch a great love story without feeling like you're part of the consumer holiday. Jesse and Celeste Forever: No one's buying Andy Samberg as a romantic lead — and this movie gets that. Spoiler alert: There's no happily ever after.
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