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6 Ways Canadians Can Fight Climate Change

There is no Planet B, so plenty of people are doing their small part to make big changes, tackling everything from food waste to renewable energy. Here are some ways you can join them.
An illustration of people signing petitions, marching and advocating for the environment (Illustration: Vivian Rosas)

Canada has an embarrassing carbon footprint, and each one of us needs to tread more lightly on the Earth. But personal action can feel a little pointless when industrial polluters—and the governments that regulated them—seem unwilling to curb their own thunderous stomping. There is no Planet B, though, so plenty of people are doing their small part to make big changes, tackling everything from conservation policy to food waste to the transition to renewable energy. Want to join them? Here are some inspiring ideas to get you started.

1. Take the government to court

A spike in lawsuits might finally compel government to act.

An illustration of two women smiling wiht leaves behind them. (Illustration: Vivian Rosas)

2. Get a green job

Ocean-saving robots, renewable energy and converting plastic waste: Three Canadian women on how they made tackling the climate crisis their 9-to-5 gigs.

Photographs of Delia Warren, Luna Yu and Julie Angus. From left: Delia Warren, Luna Yu and Julie Angus.

3. Write your politicians

To deal with the climate emergency, we need systemic change, which means putting the heat on government. Here are some tried-and-true strategies for getting your letter noticed.

An illustration of a government building, a petition and a leaf (Illustration: Vivian Rosas)

4. Support a green charity

Some tips for throwing your economic might—however mighty it might be—behind a worthy cause.

An illustraton of a fox, a bird, a petition and money (Illustration: Vivian Rosas)

5. Get the job done yourself

Climate-activist-turned-city councillor Christine Boyle helped lead the charge for climate-emergency action in Vancouver.

A photograph of Christine Boyle (Illustration: Vivian Rosas)

And Cheyenne Sundance is fighting food insecurity by growing a new generation of urban farmers in Toronto.

A photograph of Cheyenne Sundance. (Illustration: Vivan Rosas)

6. Save the whales, and the salmon, and the buffalo, and the marmots, and the Eastern loggerhead shrike

Yes, we can: These four wildlife restoration programs show that dedicated restoration programs can be successful.

An illustration of a whale leaping from the water. (Illustration: Vivian Rosas)


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