
Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

By Barb Hindley


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Ever curious and always learning, you love connecting with interesting people and picking up new information. In fact, you love nothing more than being busy and involved and on-the-go. This feeling is going to be even more amplified for the first half of the year, but by the time summer rolls around, there’s quite a big shift in focus. You’ll always be a social animal, but home, family and security become more important, as well as a huge source of joy and comfort.

Your mantra for 2015 is: I choose to focus on family

Love: Commitment-happy Saturn in your partnership zone helps you to cement agreements and set new boundaries in your relationships – platonic ones too. You’re not happy with casual dating scenarios this year – you want something that is deep, has meaning and that will last. Single Geminis may be attracted to someone older and who wields power or authority in their field. The workplace is ripe with romantic opportunity and you could easily end up dating a co-worker, or even the boss. Many Geminis could get engaged or even married this year with mid-April and December looking promising in this regard. Those already attached will take things to the next level of commitment, or restructure things to better suit new priorities.

Work/Wealth: A career coup throws you into the spotlight during the March 20th solar eclipse. You get noticed for something you’re already doing, or you get chosen for a special new project or better paying job. Either way, your reputation rises along with your paycheque. By the end of June your financial picture is looking rather rosy and you’re all set to take off on a much-deserved vacation in July. Renovations, redecoration or even relocation are favoured in November.

More from Barbara Y. Hindley at Comfy Chair Astrology.

Gemini horoscopeGemini (May 21 – June 20)