
Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

By Barb Hindley


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You’re in the throes of making a name for yourself. This could be professionally of course, or you could be garnering respect for pursuing some project or ideal that you truly believe in. Others become inspired and follow your lead. This is the year you drop all doubts, dive in and pursue your passion.

Your mantra for 2015 is: I choose to have faith in my abilities.

Love: Appearances count, especially March 18th to April 11th when image-enhancing Venus ensures you receive more than your quota of appreciative sidelong looks. Look your best and accept all invites. Business and pleasure mix beautifully during this same time period too – you never know whom you may meet at that obligatory work function you have doubts about attending. You’re looking to find that perfect balance between stability and adventure this summer and fall. Yes, you can have both, especially in July when someone special shares that same desire.

Work and wealth: Whatever goal you’ve been working toward professionally, the January 20th New Moon helps to deliver it. Any assertive action you take now tends to work out in your favour. If you’re stressed about finances, know that the cavalry is coming. Generous and abundant Jupiter jumps into your support zone in August, and he’s setting up camp there for a whole year. Other people’s money will start to benefit you. Loans and mortgages are easy to get, insurance payouts could be in the offing, or maybe your partner will hit it big. It’s an extremely auspicious time to ask for favours too.

More from Barbara Y. Hindley at Comfy Chair Astrology.

Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Click on pink triangle to read your horoscope