When we posted an open call for readers to participate in a feature on mothers and daughters, the response was overwhelming. Hundreds of emails flowed in, with women eager to tell us what makes their relationship special. As a tribute to mothers everywhere, we’ve gathered some of the daughters' submissions here.
"My mom tells me every day, 'I love you up to the stars, up to the moon and down to the sea.' In 2015, following her divorce, she decided to sell her home of 30 years. I packed up the house with her, and it was an experience that cemented our bond not only as mother and daughter but as friends: Friends that would go up to the stars, up to the moon, and down to the sea for each other." — Samara
"She was the first and most important feminist I know. She has always taught me to be confident, empathetic and not to put up with any crap from anyone. She never placed importance on finding a partner, marriage or giving her grandchildren but now that I am engaged she is there every step of the way, so incredibly supportive and excited. My mom is my hero." — Susannah
"She’s one of a kind, and she has pushed and motivated me in every aspect of my life. She has sacrificed so much to raise my siblings and I and I will forever be grateful. She's truly my rock in every sense." — Betty
"My mom raised me by herself. I spent my entire childhood admiring her and all her hard work. We went through a rough period when I was a rebellious teen, and she struggled with how to handle me on her own. Our relationship was strengthened when my first child was born and I realized how incredible my mom is for all she did by herself."
— Brianna
"She's always been the mom with the fiercest fashion, the kindest heart, the quickest wit and tireless ambition. We keep each other's secrets and have each other's back. The biggest compliment I ever get is ‘You're so much like your mother.’ Or that I have the better shoe collection (Just kidding. That never happens.)" — Lauren
"My mom has been faced with various obstacles, and she has showed me that no matter what life throws at you, staying positive and looking for that silver lining is the most successful way to handle it. She has always been there to support my passions, instead of forcing her own beliefs on me. For a gentle, compassionate, loving woman, my mom is one tough cookie." — Melissa
“I‘ve always had strong two-way communication with my mom. She started running marathons at age 40 and got her EMBA last year; she inspires me every single day. I especially love introducing her to people, watching their faces when they realize the person they thought was my sister is my mother!" — Chattrisse
"My mom and I have been through a lot together: we lost my dad and my step-father, she's had two major falls, she went through surgery/chemotherapy for breast cancer, and she has Parkinson's disease. She is an inspiration. She is not the mom I knew growing up, she is not the mom I knew a few years ago, but she is my mom, and she always will be. I love her unconditionally forever." — Jennifer
"She is the most selfless person I’ve ever met and never ceases to put her family first, even when she’s leading a very busy life on her own. Her support has never waivered, even when she didn’t necessarily agree with my decisions. We talk daily, even if we have nothing really to talk about. I always know without a shadow or a doubt that she’s always there, night or day, for anything and everything. And now this is the exact relationship I’m nurturing with my own daughter. I learned from the best." — Diane
"My mom raised me and my sister to be the strong women that we are today. She brought us to Canada for a better life and worked hard as a single parent. Sure we had moments that were challenging, but I think every challenge made our relationship stronger." — Hannah
"My mom is mine. And that is the thing I cherish most about her. My mom depended on me growing up as we were new Canadians and she didn't know the language well, and I now depend on her as my springboard and mirror to look up to." — Karolina
"My mom is truly one of a kind. She is my mentor, my cheerleader, my coach, my therapist and, most importantly, my compass who continuously guides me throughout my life. Mama Bear, as I like to call her, has always said her joy is her children but, to me, it really is the other way around." — Jahmeelah
"Our relationship has always been based on open and honest conversations. She's a badass artist and a role model for all girls who want to chase after their dreams. Her parents wanted her to be a dental hygienist, but she knew she wanted to be an artist and didn’t let anything or anyone stop her. She inspires me every single day." — Laura
“Like most moms and daughters there are times when things get frustrating. What really brought us together was how we worked as a team when my dad got cancer, all the way to the end. Now that it's the two of us, we like to make sure we are okay and even during the most difficult of times we make sure to tell each other we appreciate each other!" — Serena
"After high school I went through a hard time with anxiety and depression. My mom was was there: She cooked for me when I couldn’t think about being in the kitchen. She stayed home with me when the prospect of going out was too scary. She made me laugh when all I wanted to do was break down in tears. My mother is my rock, my lifeline and my best friend. I can only hope to be half the woman and mother someday that she is.” — Melanie
"She was the mother who showered us with love and affection. She was the mother who always wanted what was best for us. We butted heads a lot when I was a teenager but she was the mother I always wanted to please. She has spent so much of her journey agonizing over the mistakes she made as a mother; I hope that one day she will know the mistakes she made are just a part of our journey." — Natalie
"My mother raised me to embrace my differences and unique qualities, as differences are what make us beautiful. She instilled the importance of her feminist beliefs — that we are equal and can achieve whatever we strive for. She gave me the greatest gift anyone could: She believed in me.”— Amanda
”My mom has always been my greatest supporter — there for me through whatever, whenever. When my dad passed away four years ago, I suddenly felt a shift in our relationship. It felt like our roles reversed a bit. Her strength amazes me." — Liana
"My mom is definitely the glue that holds us all together. She is the one who plans and hosts Christmases and birthdays and all other family gatherings. She lost both of her parents in the past few years. Watching her care for them both really showed me how much love and strength can impact others' lives. I hope I've inherited even half of her strength." — Amy
More: Mothers and daughters on pride, regret and the things they've never said Being Mom: How I learned to embrace the M-word 14 Mother’s Day gifts for every kind of mom
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