
Five cool things to do this week (October 11 to 17)

Make the most out of this long weekend with an itinerary of good eats and sweet tunes.
By Heather Marrin
The Samuel J Moore restaurant oyster sign The Samuel J. Moore restaurant

1. Curl up with Mad about The Boy

We fell in love with her back in 1996 as she navigated her way through London as a thirty-something singleton. And then we fell in love with her all over again in 1999 as she gave maintaining a healthy relationship with Mark Darcy her best shot. Now, she is back again attempting to understand drunken texting, skinny jeans, and Twitter, and we couldn’t adore our favourite Everywoman, anymore. This week, get reacquainted with Bridget Jones in Helen Fielding’s latest instalment, Bridget Jones: Mad about The Boy. On shelves: October 15.

Visit our Book Club page on Monday October 14th to read an excerpt from Bridget Jones: Mad about the Boy!

2. Get fit trampolining

We like it because there’s something that feels retro about it and it makes us want to throw on neon green leg warmers and a matching fluorescent headband. But more, we like it because it actually makes for a really fun workout. This week, get fit jumping on a trampoline at a trampoline aerobics class (Skyzone gym has coined it “SkyRobics”). The workout burns up to 1000 calories, it’s easy on your joints, and it’s so fun that we have a really good feeling that after your first $5 class you’ll be jumping back for more.

Sky Zone Locations: Toronto, Ottawa, Mississauga and Winnipeg.


3. Try on something “New”

Pop legend Paul McCartney is back again, but with his latest release New, he’s not bringing too much of the past with him. Aside from a few stylistic nods to his former band’s superhits, New is fresh and will add an extra bit of pep to your step. Available October 15.

4. Treat yourself to a dinner out

There’s a good chance you will spend a little time cooking the perfect bird this weekend! If that’s the case (or, even if it’s not, fine by us too) treat yourself to a home-cooked dinner out by hitting a farm-to-fork restaurant. With the recent change in season now’s the time to go and savour all of the fresh fall flavours. Top picks: Head to Fable in Vancouver for a meal prepared using only local ingredients; take a trip to Rouge in Calgary where they pick out of their own onsite garden, or head to Queen West in Toronto to Samuel J. Moore and drool over a menu that reads like the perfect grocery list whilst sipping a cinnamon and maple old fashion.

5. Unplug and hit a nature trail


One of the most amazing things about this country is that doesn't matter where you live there is a nature trail to be discovered. Before colour peak season has passed, why not unplug yourself (leave the phone at home) for a day (no really! do it!) and venture off the beaten path to take in the beautiful shades of fall on a new-to-you trail? Honestly, you have no excuse. It’s a long weekend, you deserve a break, and your phone could also likely use some downtime. Here are some of our favourite trails across the country.


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