1. Take a trip to outer space
The Commander of the International Space Station dazzled the nation months back when a YouTube video of him floating, singing and strumming a guitar to the melody of Space Oddity by David Bowie circulated the internet. Now, he's back on earth and in the bookstore. This weekend, get your mitts on a copy of Chris Hadfield's remarkable, An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth. Seamlessly strung together with humour and humility; you'll laugh, you'll cry, but above all, you'll be inspired.
An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth, By Chris Hadfield, $32.
Read more:
10 things you didn't know about Chris Hadfield
What it's like being married to astronaut Chris Hadfield
2. Hit the barre
Of course we've forever been envious of ballerinas — their all-over definition, their posture, their unwavering strength to stay in a seemingly uncomfortable position for great lengths of time — they always look like they are defying the natural limitations of human anatomy when they perform on stage. As ballerina's focus on getting ready for their annual cross-country tours of The Nutcracker, join them and get fit at the barre.
Barreworks, Toronto
Barre Fitness, Vancouver
Ballet Barre Works, Montreal
3. Fall back, with ease
Are you as excited as we are to adjust our watches? An extra hour added to our day is a perfect excuse to actually shut down like that 60 minutes never existed in the first place. This Sunday, fall back with the clock into a bath full of Epson salts with a sign on the door that says, "Do Not Disturb."
4. Toast your womanhood
The National Women's Show will be taking over Toronto's Metro Convention Centre this weekend to offer the "Ultimate Girls Day Out." Shop until your feet ache, sample an assortment of gourmet food, sip some fine wines, and then get pampered with the latest and greatest beauty products.
National Women's Show, November 1-3, Metro Convention Centre, Toronto
5. Put it in a jar
Arguably the best thing to happen to home organization, get your cupboards and fridge in order with a 12-pack of mason jars before heading into winter hibernation. From stocking up on your spices, to pickling veggies (cabbage and cauliflower are still in season), you'll be so thankful a month from now when snow storm warnings have you laying dormant indoors without access to the nearest grocery store.
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