Money & Career

Five Boxing Day shopping tips

What you should know before you head out the door! Make sure you follow this advice to get the best deals and within budget
shopping bag with red sale sign Masterfile

Between cooking for a crowd and handling kids hopped up on sugar, the post-Christmas rush usually leaves me too drained to hit up the malls on Boxing Day. But I always manage to muster up enough energy to do a bit of shopping, since the deals are worth the effort if you know where to look. To help you get a jump on your Boxing Day excursion, here are five quick and easy tips to help you survive the sales without getting fatigued — and going broke.

1. Do your research Wandering around a mall on Boxing Day without a plan is a recipe for overspending. Avoid costly distractions by signing up to deal sites, such as, beforehand. You’ll get Boxing Week email alerts that will help you source out the best deals before you leave the house. And it will help you to stay on target so you don’t buy stuff that you don’t need just because it’s on sale.

2. Focus on the right things The best Boxing Day sales usually involve items like electronics, computers, winter knits and outerwear. So concentrate on finding the best deals on these hot-sale items, you’ll be sure to get the deepest discounts.

3. Set a budget Resist the temptation to overspend! Make a budget and stick to it. The shopping mall frenzy can make you want to buy something you may later not want. Don’t get something just because it’s Boxing Day. Remember to be weary of the “Buy one get a second for half-off” sales – do you really need a second pair of winter boots?

4. Check for online deals You don’t have the hit the stores to get a great deal. Major retailers will also offer their sales to online customers. But beware of the shipping costs — they can cancel out your bargain with the click of a mouse.

5. Leave your cards at home Carrying only cash in your wallet is the best way to stick to your budget. Leave the plastic behind to prevent overspending.


Happy shopping!


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