This week, Chatelaine’s editors are battling it out to convince readers — and each other — that their favourite holiday movie is the most magical. This is the third instalment in our five-part series.
Christmas Vacation and White Christmas have nothing on my favourite holiday movie. It's actually the only one I've watched at least 18 times — laughing out loud with my kids every single time. I like to think it's because the story is so darn funny, but it might be because I'm the biggest Will Ferrell fan I know. Here are 10 reasons to love Elf.
10. It'll get you right into that Christmas spirit.
9. A little romance...
8. Inspiration for holiday cardio — snowball fight!
7. Escalator problems.
6. Smiling is everybody's favourite — especially during the holidays.
5. Whoomp, there it is!
4. Your New Year's #OfficeEtiquetteGoals.
3. Why, because of the recipes!
2. Insults we wish we could hurl across the holiday table.
1. Stressed as you might be with all the holiday prep, you are acing it. Congratulations! Great job, everybody!
Related: Christmas Vacation is the only holiday movie that matters 10 reasons you need to watch White Christmas now
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