One Christmas, fresh from losing my job and worried about money, I knitted my parents and brother cabled hot water bottle covers, and paired each with a store-brand hot water bottle. They remain the cheapest, best gifts I’ve ever given—my parents still use the bottles regularly to ease aches and pains and counter cold winters.
I made one for myself, too, and years later, rely on it as a combination adult-stuffed-animal/security blanket/chill fighter. (Now that our house is dogless, it’s also the next best thing to cuddling with a warm pet.) In other words—a hot water bottle, with a cute cover (the cover is important for not only maximum coziness, but also burn prevention—those things get hot) is the ultimate in thrifty-yet-thoughtful giving.
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Born in London, Ontario, Gillian is Chatelaine's deputy editor, digital. She has also worked at Toronto Life and the National Post. Gillian cares deeply about fighting climate change and loves birds, sad lady singers, bikes, baking and wide-legged denim. She lives in Toronto's east end with her partner, two children and Rosie, her very exuberant Bouvier des Flandres.