Photo, Petr Gross/Stockfood
Cranberry extract in juice or pills can help. Just be careful, as some drinks are loaded with sugar and don’t contain much extract.
Empty your bladder regularly. Some people wait too long because they’re busy, Dr. Curtis Nickel says, which can allow bacteria to build up.
Photo, iStockphoto.Avoid bubble baths and feminine hygiene products like douches; shower instead to reduce risk of bacteria buildup.
Photo, Masterfile.Spermicides (and condoms containing them) can kill the good bacteria in your body.
Drinking water flushes bacteria from your bladder.
Pee after sex to flush bacteria from your system.
Photo, Istockphoto.Remember to wipe from front to back to avoid spreading pesky E. coli bacteria to your urinary tract.
“If you tend to wear tight jeans and synthetic panties, we say switch to cotton and looser clothing for a while,” Nickel says. It helps keep the region clean and airy.
If the initial round of antibiotics doesn’t work, ask for a lower daily dose to take for a longer period of time, or to take after sex.
Getty ImagesOnce you’ve taken antibiotics, repopulate good bacteria by eating yogurt that contains lactobacilli, says Nickel.
Read more: How to break the bladder infection cycle >
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