
How does your best friend make you happy?

I’ve got besties on the brain this week. My daughter, freshly busted out of school for two months, has already hooked up with her best friend — in fact the two of them are not only playing soccer two nights a week together, but tackling about five weeks of camp together.
By Astrid Van Den Broek
Best friends image

I’ve got besties on the brain this week.

My daughter, freshly busted out of school for two months, has already hooked up with her best friend — in fact the two of them are not only playing soccer two nights a week together, but tackling about five weeks of camp together. And seeing them in their friendship glory reminds me about the joy of the great girlfriends and best friends, be it in how they team up to lobby for a cause — in their case, it’s usually a post-camp strawberry orange Popsicle, or a long-promised sleepover — or sharing the experience of going to camp together, learning to do “boondoggle” and mastering their junior soccer skills.

I was lucky enough to have some time with my own bestie this week since she, who lives in another city, happened to be in my city for the night. I dolled up the family and we all headed downtown  to meet her for dinner. And watching her with my family made me happy not only because I love spending time with her, but because she’s so much a part of me that she’s a part of them, whether it’s talking with my daughter about her new DS gaming system, discussing superheroes with my superhero-obsessed son, teasing my hubby, or squealing over the seven-month pregnant belly of my sister (who is incidentally my other bestie).


So with that in mind, I asked friends, family and readers — what is it about your bestie or close girlfriend that makes you happy? Here’s what some of you told me:

“They listen to you complain in endless detail about problems, don't offer 'solutions' but just listen and empathize with you.” — Abigail VanDenBroek (who in fact is not related to me), Toronto

“She’s someone who doesn't judge you or point out what you have done wrong and stands beside you and lends a hand whenever you ask!” — Amie Bristow, Guelph


“That time and distance doesn't diminish our friendship. I've got great girlfriends that I met at every stage of life but some of my best friends are from when I was a teenager. I now live about 600 miles from where I grew up but I have a few girlfriends that no matter how much time passes or what directions our lives take, they will always be tried and true friends full of support, laughter and a knowledge of not only where I've been but be there wherever I go in life.” — Christina Mahaffey-Panettiere, Staten Island

“My best friend listens! While she has her own struggles, my best friend talks to me and listens as well. I couldn't do without her.” — Mary Cassell, Exeter, Ont.


“The unwavering support through thick and thin. No matter how busy life gets and what it throws at us, it’s knowing you always have someone in your corner who has your back. And that sense of picking up a conversation where you left off no matter how long between chats.”— Coeur Riley Birmingham, Calgary

“She listens, helps me focus on the logic of the situation, has my back when no one else does, helps me have fun like the old days and shares her family with me!” — Jennifer McCloskey, Barrie, Ont. (Aww, thanks bestie!)

What is it about your best friend that makes you happy?


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