
Four easy at-home exercises for a total core makeover

Tighten and tone your abs, obliques and back just in time to reveal your best beach bod (no crunches required!).
By Consulting trainer Stefan Overgaard
Four easy at-home exercises for a total core makeover

Photo, Istock Photo.

10-minute fitness | July 2014

1. Lateral walking plank

Start in plank position with elbows under shoulders, feet hip-width apart. Step right foot out and shift right forearm to side (not shown), hold for 1 count, then return to start. Repeat on opposite side. That’s 1 rep. Do 8 reps.

Perfect your form: Avoid sticking your bum up in the air.

Dial it down: Hold plank for 45 to 60 seconds.

Amp it up: Take wider steps with arms and legs.

Four easy at-home exercises for a total core makeoverPhoto, Roberto Caruso. Clothing, Nike. Hair and makeup, David Goveia, Tresemme hair care and M.A.C Cosmetics/

2. Dead bug

Lie on your back, arms and legs straight up. Bring 1 hand toward opposite foot, while releasing other arm and foot toward floor, keeping everything as straight as possible. Hold for 1 count and return to start. Repeat on other side. Do 8 to 10 reps.

Perfect your form: Engage upper abs throughout move. You shouldn’t feel too much tension in your neck.

Dial it down: Bend legs.

Amp it up: Hold for 2 counts and increase reps.

Four easy at-home exercises for a total core makeoverPhoto, Roberto Caruso. Clothing, Nike. Hair and makeup, David Goveia, Tresemme hair care and M.A.C Cosmetics/

3. Side plank leg raise

Start on side, with bottom leg bent and top leg hovering just above floor. Rest forearm on floor, shoulder stacked above elbow. Keep hips up and lift top leg high. Pause for 1 count and return to start. Do 10 reps. Repeat on other side.

Perfect your form: Keep top hand on hip for stability.

Dial it down: Rest leg on floor for 1 count between reps.

Amp it up: Hold a light hand weight in top hand, resting arm on top leg.

Four easy at-home exercises for a total core makeoverPhoto, Roberto Caruso. Clothing, Nike. Hair and makeup, David Goveia, Tresemme hair care and M.A.C Cosmetics/

4. Windshield wipers

Lie on your back with arms out to side for stability and legs extended straight up, perpendicular to floor. Keeping legs straight, rotate to one side, lowering legs toward floor as much as possible. Pause for 1 count and return to start. Repeat on opposite side. Do 10 reps.

Perfect your form: Focus on engaging your obliques. The slower you go, the better.

Dial it down: Bend knees.

Amp it up: Increase reps.

Follow the jump for more of our 10-minute workouts

Four easy at-home exercises for a total core makeoverPhoto, Roberto Caruso. Clothing, Nike. Hair and makeup, David Goveia, Tresemme hair care and M.A.C Cosmetics/


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