Elisa Levi
Panelist, Food For Change
Elisa Levi is passionate about sharing the spirit of life-long learning, weaving networks and supporting innovative change-making causes. She most recently led the First Nations, Inuit & Métis Cancer Control Strategy at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. In addition to her consulting practice—Elisa contributes leadership to several organizations. She is on the Board of Health for the City of Toronto, Vice Chair of Circle on Philanthropy & Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and sits on the Boards of Anishnawbe Health Foundation and the Edkaagmik Nbiizh Neyaashiinigamiingninwag Edbendaagzijig Trust. Elisa draws upon a Master of Public Health from Lakehead University and graduated from Ryerson University where she currently teaches an Indigenous Food Systems course at the Chang School. Elisa is a proud Anishinaabe-kwe and member of the Chippewas of Nawash in Ontario.
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