Chatelaine is Canada’s biggest, best women’s magazine. For over 80 years we’ve been delivering all the content Canadian women want, whether it’s about health, current events, food, social issues, decor or fashion and beauty.
First, read us. Check out back issues and get a feel for our style, tone and content. We expect pitches that are tailored to the magazine, so please don’t send us pitches that are also under consideration at other magazines.
Keep in mind our lead time is between four and six months, so pitches must be submitted well in advance of publication while still remaining timely and current.
Send us a one-page query letter outlining your idea. We receive hundreds of pitches a month and just don't have the time to figure out how an article could work for the magazine, so we need your query letter to tell us. It should note whether you’re pitching for the magazine or the website, clearly and concisely explain your idea, why it’s a good fit for the magazine, what section it should go in and what format it will take.
Chatelaine does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Please don’t send us completed articles or query letters for completed articles.
We prefer to receive pitches by email. Submit to Your query letter can be included in the body of your email, but please attach or link us to at least two pieces of previously published writing.
Though we strive to respond to queries in a timely manner, we receive a high volume of submissions and it may take between six and eight weeks to hear back from us. No phone calls, please.
If we decide to commission your article, you will be contacted by one of our editors who will send you a contract that specifies the direction of the article, your deadline and fee and what rights we are buying.
When writing your story, use Canadian statistics and experts whenever possible. And keep in mind Canada’s cultural diversity when approaching those experts, or other sources.
As every single article in Chatelaine is rigorously fact-checked, we require writers to submit comprehensive checking packages. These should include sources for all statistics, studies, etc. You must also include a phone number and/or email address for all interview subjects.
Thank you for your interest in Chatelaine – we look forward to receiving your pitch!