
Help Canadians gain access to affordable, real food

1 in 5 Canadians live in food deserts with limited access to affordable, fresh, real food.
By Hellmann’s<sup>®</sup>
Help Canadians gain access to affordable, fresh, real food

Imagine paying $17.99/kg for tomatoes? In food deserts in Canada, the price of a simple tomato can skyrocket up to 7 times the price compared to urban centres. Help spread the word about making real food affordable for all Canadians.

Sign the petition at or share a tomato picture and the price you paid per kg using the hashtag: #MYTOMATO

Hellmann’s® RealHellmann’s® Real Food Movement®

Hellmann’s® will help fund The Northern Farm Training Institute to feed families living in Canada’s food deserts through long-term, local food production.

Help us spread the word about food deserts in Canada.

Visit to sign the petition. 

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