Illustration, Kiki Ljung.
June 22 – July 22
This week may find you irritable, overwhelmed, and done with it all. There are no wrong feelings, just difficult ones. Find healthy ways of letting out your anger and agitation so that you don’t get into power struggles masquerading as meaningful issues. If you’re gonna get into it (and you may just have to), don’t get caught up in the details. By sticking to the big picture, it’ll be easier to avoid picking fights. Be intentional about what you do and how you do it, Moonchild.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.July 23 – Aug. 22
Pay close attention to your dreams this week. Your sleep may be poor as your subconscious works out some heavy stuff. You’re likely to feel really flooded, and the way to handle it is to be willing to let go. Just because a thing is difficult doesn’t make it important, Leo. It isn’t necessary to keep on reliving the same lessons — you’re allowed to walk away. Don’t deal with people you don’t trust, and don’t waste your precious energy this week.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
If you don’t have confidence in yourself, every part of your life will become difficult and hard to navigate. So here’s the million dollar question, Virgo: are you worthy of trust? Do you generally act in your best interests and in ways that reflect your values? Do you stand up for yourself when you feel wronged? Do you take yourself out of situations that are bad for you? If your answers are “no,” now is the time to start being a better friend to your lovely self.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
This is a time of great striving for you, Libra, and that’s not comfortable. When life is not stable, it’s tempting to assume the worst, but it’s not wise. Uncertainly and change are not synonymous with problems, my love. Be strong enough in your convictions that you can let people, situations, or attitudes go when they need to. In order to have a fantastic life, you don’t need things to come easily (though it would be nice). You need to be free.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Things are complicated in your relationships, but that doesn’t mean that there are any hard and fast rules about what should come next. Avoid the desire to come up with a tidy answer to make a messy situation less complicated. Life is complicated, you don’t need to have it all together (or know what’s coming) in order for you to be doing the right thing. Act with honesty, and invite the consequences that this incurs, my love.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
If you allow other people’s beliefs and opinions to corrode your confidence, they better be pretty compelling. This week, others may harsh your mellow with their fearful expectations and negative projections. Your job is to parse out the Negative Norberts and Nancys from those who are actually offering wise counsel. While you don’t get to know what will happen next, you do know how you want to participate here and now. Let fear guide you away from danger, not forge your life plans.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
If you don’t like the way things are, you’d better change them. The problem is that you’re unlikely to be able to see positive solutions when you’re obsessively running over everything that could go wrong. Repetitive thoughts and actions are like prayer, and they amplify whatever you’re focusing on. Be careful of what you sow this week because your actions will be backed up with extra power. Make sure what you do is creative, or it’ll feel powerfully destructive, my love.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
There’s only so much that you can do at once before you start feeling over it all and like quitting. Pace yourself through everything that you have to get done this week, as it may feel like too much. There are heavy shifts happening deep within you, and if you aren’t present for them, you may just miss a golden opportunity to let go of baggage. There are some things that you’re totally done with — prioritize the people and things that make you happy this week.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Feb. 19 – March 20
This week is all about finding opportunity where you feel stuck. This may require you to take the pains of stepping outside of your comfort zone or better securing some parts of your life. Whatever happens, if your attitude is that of a person with a sign, a stand and a bunch of lemons, you’ll be all right, Pisces. Preparation doesn’t require that you control things, only that you are a good steward for them to grow.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.March 21 – April 19
Things are not meant to stay the same, and that’s a fact. Instead of holding on to what you thought you wanted, try being open to new ways of patterning your life. This week it’d be a mistake to get caught up in the details when there are big-picture shifts trying to take place in your life. Don’t hide from your own best interests by getting caught up in unnecessary pettiness. Focus your energy on getting where you want to go with your integrity intact, Aries.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.April 20 – May 20
Your friendships are a meaningful reflection of the person that you choose to be. Pay attention to the dramas and very real dynamics at play with your friends, pals and contacts this week. There’s a live wire humming through all of your communications right now, and it would be easy for a poorly placed word or an unintentional tone to set off trouble. It’s important that you air out your thoughts – just choose an appropriate and reliable shoulder to lean on this week.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.May 21 – June 21
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is on fire this week, and that can go in any direction for you. Stay grounded so that you don’t get swept up by other people’s dramas or become an unsuspecting player in one. When you’re stressing and fearing the worst, it’s extra hard to see things clearly. Take the space you need to be able to manage your feels. You risk getting so caught up in your fears that you end up missing the big picture in your situation, Twin Star.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung. Cancer
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