
Great New Gear That Will Help You Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

Because who couldn't use a little help?
Great New Gear That Will Help You Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

The "new year, new you" trope is getting a bit old, but almost everyone makes some type of resolution this time of year. And who couldn't use a bit of help sticking to them? We've rounded up the best new products that will help make some of the more common goals achievable — so you'll never need to make the same resolution twice.

new years resolutions 2017 gear

Resolution: Hit the gym (and like it)

Let’s face it: the gym can be boring. Listening to music helps, but being attached to your smartphone can also be a distraction (after all, you’re at the gym to work out, not text or scroll through Instagram). Ditch the phone but not your playlist with these Bluetooth-enabled headphones that sync with your Fitbit, so you can work out hands-free. 

Fitbit Flyer Wireless Fitness Headphones, $170, Fitbit.

Fitbit flyer headphones for gear to help with your new year's resolutions

Resolution: Drink more water

The best water bottle is the one you’ve actually got on you, because it’s easy to transport. This collapsible BPA-free bottle will fit in any micro-bag and, really, just about anywhere.  

$26, Hydaway.

new year's resolution gear

Resolution: Keep up those workouts

So you’ve been to the gym a handful of times and now everything hurts. If that soreness is enough to scare you off the treadmill for a few days (or more…), speed up the recovery process so you can get back into your routine faster. The infrared print on the inside of these pyjamas (which are infused with bioceramic particles) claims to absorb your body heat and emit energy to help with muscle recovery and provide better sleep.

Recovery Sleepwear Shirt, $115, Under Armour.

new year's resolution gear

Resolution: Get outside

Don’t let the cold stop you from the benefits of fresh air. Break out of hibernation with these winter workout tights. Made with minimal seams to prevent irritation, these heat-retaining, sweat-wicking fleeced tights work as both a base layer or on their own for chilly winter walks.

Heat tights, $104, New Balance.

Great New Gear That Will Help You Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

Resolution: Get more sleep (while maintaining your relationship)

Is your partner’s snoring keeping you up? Solution: Get a Nora — a pillow insert that detects the sound of snoring, then inflates or deflates to gently shift the guilty party’s sleeping position. Consider it both a sleep- and relationship-saver rolled into one. 

$299, Smart Nora.

new year's resolution

Resolution: Be more positive

You might not be able to fix the state of the world, but this product can help with those long, dark and depressing winter nights. This full-spectrum, UV-free white light therapy lamp simulates natural sunlight and comes in three brightness settings. Ideal for those who feel gloomy in the winter, it can help boost energy and improve mood. 

HappyLight Touch LED Light Therapy Lamp, $120, Verilux.

gear to help your new year's resolutions

Resolution: Think about weight more holistically

Without any context, your weight really doesn’t mean much. This Bluetooth-enabled scale measures body fat, water, bone and muscle mass as well as BMI, giving you a fuller picture. It syncs with your phone and can add up to nine users.

Body Analysis Scale, $80, Conair.

gear to help your new year's resolutions

Resolution: Actually stick to your resolutions.

A simple paper planner will do. This journal comes with space to plan 10 short-term goals, 10 medium-term goals, and five long-term goals. Maybe it’s the commanding permanence of putting pen to paper, or maybe it’s the satisfaction of striking through an accomplished goal, but there’s a certain meditative magic to writing in paper planners that you won’t find anywhere else.

Goals Journals, $27, Indigo.

Great New Gear That Will Help You Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions


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