
How to wear bold prints when you have curves

Yes, you do look fab in horizontal stripes! Here are Lauren Gray's favourite ways to rock the season's best patterns.
By Lauren Gray
Curvy girl feature bar prints

I’m all for seasonal drinks and sweater weather, but let’s be honest: Autumn is just nature’s reminder that summer is gone and winter is around the corner. As the leaves turn, my wardrobe follows suit, slowly fading from bright hues to moody tones of black and grey (as if to match the drizzly days and dark evenings). Having a closet full of all-black everything does simplify things, but there are days when my look could use some personality. After searching Instagram for #ootd inspiration, I realized what my wardrobe was really missing: Bold, chic prints.

A good print can change everything (think of Cher and Dionne’s plaid outfits in 1995’s Clueless, or more recently, RuPaul’s Drag Race winner Violet Chachki’s epic tartan runway transformation). Building an outfit around a pattern (or two—we’ll get to that later) isn’t nearly as tricky as most of us think: A printed jacket or a pair of patterned pants can take a look to a whole new level of chic.

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Breaking out of my black habit meant stepping outside of my comfort zone, but I found inspiration everywhere. J.Crew’s Jenna Lyons and Leandra Medina a.k.a. Man Repeller expertly pair pieces that I would never think to combine. And on the plus-size scene, bloggers Jes Baker, a.k.a. the Militant Baker, and Glitter + Lazers unapologetically break style rules laid out for curvy women (they look fab in horizontal strips and crop tops). Some of their latest posts show them rocking bold prints and throwback Fair Isle knits.

My advice is to start simple: A printed scarf is an easy way to switch things up. Prints can also dress up casual wear. A sweatshirt in a floral print or a pair of printed leggings can add personality to an otherwise basic outfit. (Even something as simple as a plaid shirt tied around the waist can take a black outfit to the next level by breaking up the colour.)

I’ve also found that prints are the ultimate addition to any work wardrobe. Look for colours you already have in your closet so that you’ll have plenty of outfit options. And you can never go wrong with a printed shift dress—it makes for a sleek office look and it’s a snap to throw on over a pair of leggings. If you want to shake things up and mix patterns, try picking two that share a single colour (this is a helpful hint for accessorizing, too).

It might sound silly, but going beyond the usual black-and-grey outfits has brightened my mornings already. So pass me a pumpkin spice latte and some plaid—I’m finally ready to embrace the season.

Curvy Girl Prints

We’re suckers for a good maxi dress and this dramatic long-sleeved piece is perfect for the cold season. City Chic Dress, $167, Nordstrom.

How to wear bold prints when you have curves

A printed skinny scarf adds instant charm to a white button-down shirt. Missoni scarf, $190, Nordstrom.

How to wear bold prints when you have curves

You can’t go wrong with plaid this fall. Rock these leggings with a pair of boots and a slouchy sweater. Leggings, $27, Torrid.

How to wear bold prints when you have curves

Add a pop of colour to your wardrobe with a chic off-the-shoulder number. Rachel Roy, $129, Addition Elle.

How to wear bold prints when you have curves

A printed shift dress is a simple yet chic go-to for the office (this one makes for a great day-to-night option). I.N.C. International Concepts Dress, $139, The Bay.

How to wear bold prints when you have curves

A floral T-shirt is a simple way to add personality to a blazer-and-pants combo. Dex Top, $30, The Bay.

How to wear bold prints when you have curves

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