
How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

Stylish, comfy culottes have gone from iffy trend to breezy staple. Trust us—they're a wardrobe game-changer.
How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

They fit like PJs

The elastic waist and loose, flowy fit make culottes the dressed-up-cousin to your stay-at-home-jogging pants. There are also plenty of styles with fitted waistbands (like a dress pant). The key to pulling these off is to look for a style that grazes over your hips and thighs (avoid too many pleats around the midsection) and is an airy fit around the legs. If you’re petite, find a high-waisted pair with a hemline that hits close to your knee.

They’re the perfect hybrid between shorts and skirts (and no, we’re not talking about skorts)

While shorts tend to scream weekends up at a cottage and skirts aren’t always practical, especially if you’re commuting by bike (or waiting for the subway), culottes walk that fine line of exceptionally functional piece that has enough polish for work and play.

They’re a wardrobe workhorse

A great pair of culottes (especially in an amazing print) is an instant outfit maker when paired with basics from your closet. Staples like a plain white tee and pair of flats (yes, they look better with flats) create a killer no-fuss outfit. When going to the office, slip a blazer on top or wear a blouse instead. On the weekend, rock them with an off-the-shoulder top and a pair of slides.

10 cool culottes

Printed culottes, $70, Zara.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

High-rise culotte jeans, $40, Old Navy.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)


Talula sullivan pant, $60, Aritzia.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

Occasion printed culottes, $79, ASOS

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

Satin culottes, $70, H&M

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)


Cropped high rish culotte, $45, Dynamite.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

Athletic-inspired crepe culottes, $40, Winners.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)

Striped culottes, $81, LOFT.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)


Printed culottes, $70, Mango.

How to wear culottes (and why we love them)


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