
London socialite needs new nose for royal wedding

While most female royal wedding invitees are currently shopping for a new dress, shoes or, perhaps, a giant feather-topped hat, apparently, former model, TV presenter, It girl and current London socialite (yes, that is a job) Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, is desperately looking for a new nose.
By Leah McLaren

London socialite needs new nose for royal wedding Mike Marsland / Getty Images

While most female royal wedding invitees are currently shopping for a new dress, shoes or, perhaps, a giant feather-topped hat, apparently, former model, TV presenter, It girl and current London socialite (yes, that is a job) Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, is desperately looking for a new nose.

With only three weeks left until the big event, the 39-year-old, close friend of Prince Charles is, reportedly, dying for some rhinoplasty to rebuild the cartilage in her nose that was worn away by her former £400 per day cocaine habit.

“I am not saying I’m an oil painting but of course I want to have it fixed.” T P-T has been quoted as saying. “I don’t want to be picked on. I read somewhere last week someone said they want to vomit when they saw it.” (Repeated calls to the palace trying to verify if The Queen was the concerned, potential vomit-er, were not returned.)

This would be the second nose job for T P-T who, reportedly, had a £6000 procedure in 2006, where surgeons used cartilage from her ear to rebuild her worn down septum. From all accounts, the operation was a success but, as I recall Jennifer Aniston’s plastic surgeon once saying that all nose jobs are ‘works in progress’, I guess this is just the mandatory five year, 5,000 KM tune-up.


Apparently, Ms. Palmer-Tomkinson has been clean since 1999, after she did a stint in The Meadows clinic in Arizona for cocaine abuse. She has very publicly supported various drug charities over recent years.

“If I can get my nose fixed for the wedding that would be ideal,” she recently said. “I’m not sure it’s going to be possible but hopefully something can be done in time.”

Here’s hoping she’ll also be able to find a giant hat to match!


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