
Your 2016 horoscope: A look at the year ahead

From relationships to finances, here's what the stars have in store for you in 2016.
By Barbara Hindley
Your 2016 horoscope: A look at the year ahead

Photo, Pexels.

2016 annual horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’re moving towards a major life pinnacle in 2018, and the next two and a half years are all about preparing for that. You’re taking new courses of study, travelling or broadening your current philosophical/spiritual beliefs. You’re opening your mind and your heart, and that’s when all sorts of amazing new ideas and opportunities present themselves. There’s a very positive shift in your health and day-to-day work situation coming this year too, thanks to lucky Jupiter. It’s a very productive time to start working on a new skill set — or improving the one you’ve already got — as it could propel you into a whole new income bracket. Watch for big developments in this area around the Sept. 1st Solar Eclipse. Your best money month of the year is undoubtedly May, although November looks rosy as well.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to expand my perspective.

You enter into a more introspective time of the year when your ruler Mars goes retrograde from mid April to early July. The Universe is asking you to take a break from your usual go-go mentality and take the time to reflect on where you’re at, and where you want to go. There’s likely to be some particular situation that you need to reflect on, possibly related to work or your love life. When it comes to the latter, the last two years have been about out how to let go of any insecurities or fears that have held you back from fully engaging with a partner — or even questioning if the relationship is truly right for you. This year you’re much more confident in yourself and in what you want. The March 23rd Eclipse promises big developments in your love life, and could propel a casual flirtation into something more serious. October is also a good month in the love department.

Aries 2016 horoscopePhoto, Mike Lewinski/Flickr. Design, Diana Duong

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The last three years have been quite intense, thanks to serious and restrictive Saturn opposing your sign. You may have felt like others were overly demanding or even critical at times. You’ll be feeling a huge sense of relief now as Saturn has finally moved away, and your most intimate and personal relationships will reap the benefits. Saturn is now in your ‘shared finances’ sector, so you and your partner will be having discussions about your changing financial priorities and spending styles. You might also take the plunge and invest in something big together this year. While May and June are two of your best money months, there may be some overriding financial responsibilities that put the kibosh on any extra spending. Perhaps you’re saving up for something special, paying down debt or topping up the kids’ college fund. Whatever it is, you feel good about having a structured plan in play for your future.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to invest in my future.

The energy in your life this year is much more light-hearted, and jovial Jupiter aligning with your sign is a big part of that. This is one of your best years for having fun: parties, special celebrations, sporting events, backyard BBQs and dinners out. You’re feeling freer when it comes to self-expression, and your creativity blossoms when you give it a chance. Think about taking a painting class or get crafty with some DIY home decor projects. Since your social life will be in full swing, your love life follows suit. The first two weeks of May and the last two weeks of August are spectacular in this regard, and November has “commitment” written all over it. An old flame could re-enter the picture from mid-April through to July. But remember why it didn’t work the first time. Thinking about adding to the family? This fall is loaded with pregnant possibility.

Taurus 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Partnerships of all kinds take on a greater importance in your life as serious and responsible Saturn sojourns through your relationship zone for the next two and a half years. You’ll be more inclined to make solid and lasting commitments in both your personal and professional life. By nature you tend to like things to be fluid, and prefer situations that give you some measure of freedom. This year, though, you realize the advantages of structure, and you’re willing to do what it takes to secure a better future. This could mean a new financial advisor, health practitioner, consultant, fitness coach or business partner. Romantically speaking, many Geminis will get engaged or married this year — or find “the one.” Image-enhancing Venus in Gemini brings you loads of opportunities to connect in June; but it’s the hot summer months (August in particular) when things really get cooking.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to allow myself to commit.

There’s a positive shift happening in your day-to-day work environment this spring, largely because you yourself make it happen. Mars retrograde in your health sector from April through August could help you get to the bottom of a nagging health issue. It couldn’t hurt to get a second opinion. And you’re in the mood to make your domestic surroundings bigger, better and more beautiful, thanks to expansive Jupiter. Moving could be in the cards this fall, or some sort of redecoration or renovation project. Plan on doing a lot of entertaining this year too.

Gemini 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’re in the process of re-inventing yourself, and have been for the last few years. And the changes you make this year could surprise a few people. If you’ve been feeling restless in your job, this could be the year you break out and find what you’re meant to do. Unpredictable Uranus in your career zone says an opportunity could present itself quite suddenly and take you in a whole new direction. Many Cancers will hang out their own shingle, perhaps with a home-based business. If you’re satisfied with your current job, then a new client or unusual project leads you into exciting new territory. This transformation you’ve been going through is mirrored in your personal life. Your relationships may change, or you may grow and change within them. With powerful Pluto opposing your sign there may be a few power struggles along the way. But they are really just forcing you to own your own power — which you are doing very nicely by the way. Fair Venus and sexy Mars align with your sign from mid-June to August, providing a fantastic backdrop for summer love and romantic weekend getaways.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to express myself.


A lot of your luck and success this year comes through communications and networking. It’s less about what you know and more about who you know. Synchronicity plays a big role and you’ll find yourself at the right place at the right time. This is a fantastic year to write that book you’ve been thinking about, to take a class, or even to teach one. Relationships with siblings should be better than usual – you may be taking a trip with one this fall.

Cancer 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The heavy energies of the last three years lift and you feel a sense of relief in 2016. Since 2012, you likely had more family responsibilities to deal with, as well as a ton of pressure at work — and some of you said goodbye to a loved one. You’re feeling happier and more peaceful this year, and you’re getting a new sense of direction too. You’re re-evaluating your talents and skills and thinking about using them in new ways. An undiscovered strength could emerge, or perhaps you start to put more value in what you already have to offer. Just because it’s easy for you, doesn’t mean it’s easy for everybody else. Leos have a natural flair when it comes to design and colour — which is why they’re such snappy dressers — and many Leos will be take their creativity to a whole new level this spring. Some may even turn it into a lucrative side business. This is also one of your best financial years of the last decade, thanks to abundant Jupiter in your money zone right through to September. Calculated risks, offers and prospects tend to pay off all year, but September is especially lucrative in this regard. The March 9th Eclipse forces you to get real about shared assets, loans and debt. Yes, you’ve got great money karma thanks to Jupiter, but you still have to be smart about the choices you make.


Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to value what I have to offer.

All Leos love being in love, but serious Saturn says casual romance is not really your thing this year. Flirtations are fun, but you’re looking for something with more depth and longevity. February is one of your best months for romance, with a plethora of planets loving up your relationship zone. You always look and feel your best during the hot summer months, but this year you’ve also got both image-enhancing Venus and sexy Mars aligning with your sign at the same time from mid-July through August. Bring on the summer festivities.

Leo 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You’re in the process of establishing a stronger base of security for yourself over the next two and a half years, Virgo. This is all about where you live, and not just in a physical sense. Emotional security is just as important to you right now, and you may find yourself delving into the past and taking a deeper look at your family history. You’re letting go of some attachments to the past, as well as some outmoded views of yourself. This can be a very liberating time as you start to see yourself in a whole new light. The March 9th Solar Eclipse marks a time of transformation in both your personal and professional life. Eclipses are all about endings and beginnings, because you can’t really have one without the other. At this time you’re looking at what you do want, letting go of what you don’t — including unsuitable relationships — and embarking on a life that is more suited to the authentic you. The Sept. 1st Eclipse may be even more dramatic in this regard. You could be altering your lifestyle, changing jobs, or getting a new hairstyle that better reflects the new you.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to allow my authentic self to emerge.

Jovial and abundant Jupiter is in your sign this year, giving you a once-in-every-12-years opportunity to expand your life from the inside out. The last time this happened to you was late 2003 and 2004. This year you may travel, study, move or do something mind-expanding. You’re also willing to do what it takes to acquire the skills you need to succeed — leading many Virgos back to school this year. Because Jupiter is about expansion on all levels, he also makes it exceedingly easy to gain weight if you overindulge. Although that’s not usually a problem for health conscious Virgo. And his presence in your sign is very positive if you want to get pregnant.

Virgo 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Harmonious and loving relationships are very important to all Librans, but this year you’re looking for a little more freedom and autonomy. You’re more willing to stand up for what you want or what you feel is right, even if it does create some degree of discord. Still, love and romance are a big part of your life this year, Libra. The March 23rd Lunar Eclipse brings full illumination to your relationship zone — you’ll clearly know whether you have a romantic future with someone, or not. Spring is full of promise, and you could find yourself drawn to someone quite unlike your usual type, possibly someone from faraway or maybe an athlete. The Aug. 18th Eclipse kicks off a month and a half of fantastic love karma, thanks to image-enhancing Venus aligning with your sign. Be sure to flex those flirting muscles.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to do what’s best for me.

Financially speaking things are definitely looking up. Stingy Saturn in your money zone for the last three years has kept the belt tight. But thankfully he has moved on and your bank account can start to climb. However, I-want-it-now Mars retrograde in your money sector makes it hard to hold on to your loot from April through to the end of June when spending becomes more of a sport. By early July though, a pay raise, new job or lucrative project comes your way. In fact, self-employment is a viable option as you’re happiest being your own boss now. Serious Saturn in alignment with your sign helps you to re-structure your life in a way that better suits your new goals and priorities.

Libra 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Things lighten up considerably this year Scorpio, as sober Saturn has finally left your sign for good. You had an extra heavy load of pressures and responsibilities to deal with over the last three years, and experienced some sort of loss as well. This year you’ve got a new spring in your step and more joyful experiences to look forward to. Your social network expands as charity groups, conferences, seminars and book clubs all offer new connections. These kinds of activities are gateways to more success, luck and self-development. With all these new friends you’re making, one could very well end up becoming a BFF for life. Love and romance spring from these connections too, especially from late April right through to the end of June. Fair Venus in your sign from mid September through October amplifies your already considerable charm and beauty and ensures you net more than your fair share of attention.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to be open to new experiences.

This year you’re building up your own financial resources and becoming more independent. The last three years have helped you gain more confidence in yourself, and that shines through as you devise new ways to get your financial ducks in a row. Shared finances are fine, but it’s important to have your own little nest egg. It’s a good time to devise a budget or spending plan — and decide how much to set aside for a future goal. Don’t be too hard on yourself this spring when you feel like you should be making more than you are — or wondering why it’s taking so long to get ahead. Saturn is actually on your side here — and slow and steady wins the race.

Scorpio 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Career planet Saturn in your sign — for the next two and a half years — is helping you to restructure a more lucrative way of life. You’re taking on new responsibilities and pondering your future. This is a roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-busy kind of year, as you’re laying the groundwork for long-term success. The only thing you need to guard against is taking on too much. Expansive Jupiter opens doors for you, and windows too; so it’s up to you to be discerning with your time and energy. Narrow your focus for best results. You’re on top of finances too, thanks to sober Saturn’s responsible (and boring) attitude. If you’re too stringent in your plan however, you could be ready to chuck the budget out the window by the first spring sandal sale. Stay realistic, and allow for the occasional splurge. From June 20th to 30th there is fantastic income potential. It could be a great time to ask for a raise, make a pitch or launch a new blog.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to lay the groundwork for my best future.

Except for a little glitch from June 2nd to 4th — don’t take things too personally on these days—June is a fantastic month for love. Summer stars surround you with romantic opportunity, so be out and about and attending summer get-togethers from mid-July to mid-August. Feisty Mars in your sign for all of August and September heightens your passion and amplifies your charm. It can make you quite impatient though, especially from August 20th to 25th. Try to go with the flow this week, as you’ll only end up frustrated if you try to push for what you want.

Your 2016 horoscope: A look at the year aheadDesign, Diana Duong.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You’re coming to the end of an almost 30-year cycle, Capricorn. It started in 1989 and will wrap up 2017. At this point you’ll begin a new 30-year-cycle, with a renewed focus, and exciting new projects and responsibilities. This year (and next) you’re in the throes of letting go of what you no longer need to carry into that next phase. This will be a year of cleaning out your house as well as your psyche. It’s a good time to face any old fears, anxieties or inhibitions that are holding you back. Be open to counselling, psychotherapy, meditation, spiritual practice or anything that helps you to get in touch with your inner world. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself cleaning out the attic or the garage — and getting rid of old stuff from days gone by. Make more room in your life for new energy to flow in.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to let go of what no longer serves me.


Your bigger picture is about filtering out the stuff and attitudes that no longer serve you. But you’re also gaining new perspectives through travel, education and other mind-opening activities. The stars line up nicely for a January tropical getaway — perhaps a birthday present to yourself — but a May vacation has a strong romantic vibe as well. A long-distance love affair is a distinct possibility this spring/summer — or maybe someone with a cute accent captures your interest at home. February is one of your best money months, but the September 30th New Moon is bursting with opportunity when it comes to reputation and career. Legal proceedings work out in your favour this year too.

Capricorn 2016 horoscopePhoto, Joe Parks/Flickr. Design, Diana Duong.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This is one of your best money years of the decade, with financial/business partnerships being especially lucrative. This is the year when other people want to support you and go out of their way to do you favours. Let them! Your partner could also come into some extra money this year, which of course benefits you too. Legal wins, insurance payouts, inheritances or bonus cheques are all possibilities this year. Many Aquarians are thinking seriously about furthering their education (for professional reasons or simply for personal interest). Over the next three years, your friendships are coming under close scrutiny. You may change allegiance, or find there is no longer a connection with a particular person or group. Toxic friends can be difficult to see when they’ve been around for a long time — but this spring you finally see the light. Watch the June 19th Full Moon for developments in this area. As you cut some personal ties, work will introduce you to new friends and social settings. In fact, mixing business with pleasure is definitely something you should do this year.


Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to appreciate those who appreciate me.

Eye-catching Venus in your sign from mid-February to mid-March ensures you get noticed and makes it easy to meet new people. It’s also a fantastic time to beautify yourself and your surroundings. The Aug. 2nd New Moon is the beginning of a whole new chapter in your love life. Singles may meet their match, or at least someone with potential. And those already attached enter into a romantic period. Let Grandma take the kids for the weekend and plan a special getaway for two.

Aquarius 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You reach a peak in your professional life this year (and next) as your reputation takes off and you finally gain some real recognition. But this doesn’t mean you get to slack off. In fact, with all this success coming your way, you may need to take on more responsibility or put in more hours. It means more profits too. This could be the year you publish your book, nab the big client, get a hefty raise, or launch your own business. Your star may be rising, but so is your visibility. Just accept the fact that all eyes are on you and gracefully step into the limelight.

Your mantra for 2016 is: I choose to allow myself to be seen.

In general, your relationships with other people are very positive this year. Having someone in your life who shares your ideals and honours your sensitivity is particularly important to you. If you’re single, you’re likely to meet someone who inspires you and makes you feel hopeful and happy. Someone learned and well-travelled could also catch your eye. It’s a particularly romantic year for those who’re attached — you may do more travelling together, or find a new common interest. Idealistic Neptune in your sign could cloud your judgment during the first half of March however, when all you see is the good in other people and their faults fade away. This can be a wonderful thing, but if you meet someone new during this time, reserve judgement until you get to know them better. Fair Venus in your sign from mid-March to mid-April marks a particularly romantic period. And the Aug. 31st New Moon signals a whole new chapter unfolding in your love life.

Pisces 2016 horoscopeDesign, Diana Duong.

Barbara Y. Hindley has been a professional astrologer since 1994. She focuses on astropsychology and relationship astrology, and is also certified in business and financial astrology. For more information, visit Comfy Chair Astrology.

Related: Your horoscope for January 2016


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