
27 reader-inspired tips to instantly boost your mood

We asked readers, "What do you do for a happiness boost?" and the response was overwhelming. We've rounded up the most interesting answers here!
Woman Dancing on Porch listening to headphones Photo by Getty Images

When the blues hit, I tend to turn to retail therapy to turn things around. I pick up my sister and we hit the stores for some mindless shopping and talking. Or (to be completely truthful) a little dose of Real Housewives also manages to turn things around (don't judge me. lol).

Fascinated by what others might do, and convinced I'm not alone in my odd behaviour, I nosed around and asked friends and Chatelaine readers what they do for a quick pick-me-up. Read on for some of the most inspiring answers and thanks to everyone who submitted! I hope you find something that inspires you.

Turn on the tunes

“Hug my puppies and play Love Shack really loud!!!” -Peggianne Riese Wright, FB

“Listen to upbeat music, loud! Disco always works. Think The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert soundtrack.” -Alyson Bethley, FB

“Dance or do hard core housework to Rage Against the Machine!” -Jennifer Tilby Alexander, FB


“I turn on the radio nice and loud and dance like crazy around the house. Feeling my lack of rhythm usually puts a smile on my face.” -Niibin Kwe P, FB

“Guitar-playing while singing my face off. Usually with morning coffee or late day wine.” -Stephanie Rebot

Get a move on

“Exercise is a mood lifter for me, especially cardio like an outdoor run. Also, smiling at someone and paying them a compliment always makes me feel better. There is something uplifting about giving others a moment of cheer!" -Agata Wcislo, FB

“I sweat out the small stuff at hot yoga.” -Dana Dougherty Reinke, FB


“I work out to music that I know will move me -- the tougher, louder, the better!” -Heather Zimmer, FB

“I go outside and really feel and enjoy the light and the air. It’s so uplifting! Exercise is good too. I try to enjoy each moment--take the time to taste that coffee, look people in their eyes and feel love for humanity and the planet.”-- Katrin Veski

Retail therapy

“Slightly blue will be helped by a cup of java or walking the dog. If I’m very blue, a trip to Chapters — and even the darkest blue will be helped by a trip to L’Occitane en Provence which is my idea being pampered.” -Genia Malcman, FB

“I buy flowers for the house.” -Kathryn Dorrell, FB


“I put on some fancy shoes.” -Ay Sontespli

Connect with loved ones

“I play with my baby! He has the best giggle and can always make me smile.” -Catherine Tamara Stuart, FB

“I cuddle with my miniature daschund Fred. He is the best pick me up ever!” -Tracy Robinson, FB

“I talk to my Mom. We live so far away but when I hear her voice I feel better immediately.” -Edna Delgado, FB


“I brush my horse.” -Trisha Clare, FB

“I talk with my hubby. A short chat with him usually works. If not, I take my girls to go to the movies.” -Jorden Spencer, FB

“Go for a walk with my dog. He gets me outside of the house, of my head, of myself and breathing fresh air. He also makes me laugh at least once on every walk, and the joy he takes in sniffing the same frigging things on every walk is a valuable lesson in paying attention to the moment.” -Kim Pittaway

“I look at our photo albums or iPhoto to remind myself that my kids are adorable and sweet. And I quilt.” -Michele-Renee Charbonneau

Turn to food


“Eat chocolate.” -Ann Colwell Murdoch

“Bake! Heavy on the cinnamon. The smell makes me think of baking with my Mom.” -Shannon Carroll-Wiedener

“I cook a pot of soup with CBC radio in the background. I feel like I’ve accomplished something practical and useful.” - Nini Mendes

Connect with a friend

“I have a certain friend who has a knack for picking me up when I'm down. Even a call with her -- or better yet a drink or nachos -- somehow turns things around.” -Tracy Chappell


“A girls night out is a great pick-me-up.” -Annemarie DeBruyn

“I phone someone. Sometimes talking to someone who is going through a struggle of their own can take my mind off my own.” -Michele Elaine Owen Witley

“I do something nice for someone else -- it ends up making me feel good too.” -Claudine Gervais

“I watch I Love Lucy.” -Nellie Cross

Tell us in the comments below: What do you do to boost your mood?


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